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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2019-03-17 发布人:
Inspection method of customized quality of tooling
After fixture customization, we should stop the inspection of the quality of the fixture. How should we check the quality of the fixture customization?
1. Appearance requirements
We need to see whether the appearance of tooling can be comparable and clean, whether it has cable number one, and whether we can insist on differences between lines and fabrics, reflect on the texture of task clothes, fabric color and so on, so as to ensure the quality of task clothes in this respect.
The custom-made line of tooling should conform to the cloth, including color, texture, fastness, shrinkage and so on. The color of the buttons should be the same as that of the cloth. It should also ensure uniformity, flatness, folding rules, symmetry of left and right, smooth ironing of all parts, no leakage, no dead fold, wireless head, no yarn hair, all parts meet the standard requirements.
2. Size
Dimension is the norm of introspection for the company's tooling. Since it's tailored to measure, it naturally requires more fit than the ready-made clothes purchased in the shopping mall. It's comfortable to wear, suitable for the job requirements, and it's too important to be loose. Whether the size of the tooling is different from the number of its standard codes. This requirement needs to be met, otherwise the staff will feel uncomfortable wearing it. Ensure that tooling is not too large or too small, otherwise it indirectly affects the customer's user experience.
3. Color Achievement
For workers, color matching is very important, because it is related to whether employees can wear this tooling beautifully, whether they can enhance the abstraction of the enterprise, when introspecting, they should pay special attention to the color of tooling to prevent the presentation of achievements, otherwise they will greatly reduce the satisfaction of customers.
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