联系人: 宁经理 手机:13953116782 电话:15990999232 邮箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:济南市槐荫区清河北路11号(美里新居南门斜对面)亚德森工厂店
来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2019-11-30 发布人:

Looking forward to 2020, many companies have begun to purchase work clothes for the second year. Presumably many companies don't know how to start when they customize work clothes for their employees. What should we pay attention to? What style and fabric can be chosen to make the work clothes more in line with the company's culture? How can we unify image and practicability? Today, Adelson Xiaobian is going to help you out!
There are four points to pay attention to when customizing work clothes. The first is fabric, the second is whether the work clothes are comfortable and fit, the third point is technology, and the last point is that the work clothes customization considers the characteristics of workers' industry. Customized work clothes are not as expensive as possible, nor as cheap as possible. The key is what kind of fabrics and styles are most suitable for your work environment and work needs.
There are three kinds of fabrics commonly used in fabric selection: polyester cotton, pure cotton and CVC. Polyester and cotton fabrics are labor-intensive, durable and reasonable in price; pure cotton fabrics are expensive, breathable, comfortable to wear, but easy to fold; CVC fabrics are breathable, durable and wear-resistant, which is the best cost-effective of all tooling fabrics. In addition, anti-static, anti acid and alkali, anti oil and water repellent, flame-retardant fabrics are special fabrics, which are suitable for the corresponding special industries. Other industries do not need to choose, one is unnecessary, the other is expensive.
With the right fabric, if you don't make the right one, you can't wear it, so the customized work clothes must fit. This requires that the manufacturer's size must be full, because the loose volume of work clothes is large, and generally does not need to measure the body, except for suits and uniforms which need to be tailored.
除此以外,做工也是很重要的,工作服衣服扯了那可就糗大了。的工艺 不仅可以延长工作服的使用寿命,而且还可以给企业形象打分哦。
In addition, the workmanship is also very important. If you tear the work clothes, you will be embarrassed. Exquisite technology can not only extend the service life of the work clothes, but also give a score to the corporate image.
Last but not least, what is the most important point for the wearer? It is inconvenient to work above the work clothes. What is the effect? Therefore, we must take into account the industry characteristics and work nature of workers when selecting. For some special industries, this is related to the personal safety of employees, so it should be the top priority.
Warm tips: Adelson specializes in the customization of work clothes and school uniforms, high-level professional clothes, fashionable styles, selected fabrics, fine workmanship, logo embroidery, printing, and other special services, professional customization of various work clothes, school uniforms, business clothes, good quality and excellent service, welcome to buy, we will serve you in the first time.
上一条:什么样的西装可以起到很好的作用,定制西装的优点是什么 | 下一条:职业装的穿搭技巧
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